Successful auditioning for film, television, and commercials
requires not only talent but a thorough understanding of the
decision making process.
For the actor pursuing a career in Los Angeles, regular auditioning helps you keep your skills fine-tuned and allows you to develop relationships with casting directors and directors.
That's why I have structured my workshops around proven audition techniques I have been teaching for over 25 years.
I teach you exactly what to do in an audition, how to do it, and when so your confidence, acting choices, charisma, and expertise with a script intrigues and convinces directors to look no further.
Called 'TAP,' my process amplifies your Talent, Ambition, and Personality to the competitive level you need to become the first choice for the role.
requires not only talent but a thorough understanding of the
decision making process.
For the actor pursuing a career in Los Angeles, regular auditioning helps you keep your skills fine-tuned and allows you to develop relationships with casting directors and directors.
That's why I have structured my workshops around proven audition techniques I have been teaching for over 25 years.
I teach you exactly what to do in an audition, how to do it, and when so your confidence, acting choices, charisma, and expertise with a script intrigues and convinces directors to look no further.
Called 'TAP,' my process amplifies your Talent, Ambition, and Personality to the competitive level you need to become the first choice for the role.
Is it always the most talented actor who books the job?
No: it's always the actor with the most TAP.
Because, if you can't convince those decision makers that your professionalism and personality are equal to your talent, you'll never get the job.
My instruction gives you the ultimate workout, needed skills and the relentless confidence to walk into any audition and walk out with a callback or booking.
I'll help you learn every aspect of developing and strengthening your own TAP that will convince and reassure the casting director, agency, and client that you alone are worthy for the part being cast.
I'll help you learn every aspect of developing and strengthening your own TAP that will convince and reassure the casting director, agency, and client that you alone are worthy for the part being cast.